Activities / Competitions
(1) Muster the Cluster 37mtr. Link below to data taken from 10 shot groupings shot at 37mtrs, worst 2 shots eliminated, grouping size taken with vernier gauge.
(2) Muster the Cluster 25mtr. Same as the 37mtr data, just shorter distance data recorded.
To follow-
Muster the Cluster Info -
We are shooting 37mtr and 25mtr groupings from the benchrest. Anyone with their own equipment can join in. This is not a competition, it is showing different equipment, how well this is set up, what equipment seems to work well and not so well, ability, selection, affects due to rain & wind. The aim is to potentially allow for better gun set up and better understanding.
There are no set dates, simply choose to do it when here, no set amounts of rounds have to be shot. All you have to do is nominate your target to other people around you for the saved data target. You can not shoot say 5 targets and pick the best one. 10 shots are fired onto each target, the worst 2 placed shot are eliminated, then the best 8 shots are measured for grouping size. The grouping size is measured from the outer pellet hole marks.
The following are the elements of recorded data;
(1) Gun type / calibre
(2) Scopes used
(3) Pellets & weight
(4) 5 shot chronograph report, lowest, highest & average shot speed
(6) Comments section
(7) Accumulative average grouping size after each round measured in millimetres
(8) Name & Date
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